A new paradigm approach to business

Share your gifts + get paid for your contribution.

You came here to serve the world in a way that only you can.

You have unique gifts that are asking for expression through you.

If you’ve been hustling to get things done, following other people’s scripts at the expense of your own authenticity, or questioning the worth of your contributions…

It’s time to align with the Divine Design for your work.

God Is My Boss reconnects you with the simplicity of your mission and gives you permission to get started right now, just as you are.

If you’re ready to clear the fear of sharing your gifts and claim your spot on God’s payroll, this program is for you.

What to expect:

Video Modules + Integration Exercises + Guided Meditations

Module 1: Answering the Call

Topics Covered: setting your intentions, going over core premises about spiritual business and sacred service, clarifying, what it means to work for God, preparing for your God Is My Boss journey. (39 minutes)

Audio: Guided prayers for connecting with God

Module 2: Making Peace with Money

Topics Covered: why you may be blocked around money, how to feel at peace with money, restoring the balance of giving and receiving in your life, committing to giving your gifts so you can receive in return. (32 minutes)

Meditation: God’s Blank Check + Making Peace with Money

Module 3: Embracing Your Mission

Topics Covered: clarifying what your unique divine mission is and fully committing to it. (30 minutes)

Meditation: Your Highest Vision for the World

Module 4: Offers and Pricing

Topics Covered: how to translate your gifts into service, how to design and price your offers. (54 minutes)

Meditation: Your Authentic Contribution

Module 5: Marketing, Selling, and Sharing

Topics Covered: why selling is answering people’s prayers, how to release the fear around sharing your gifts. (45 minutes)

Meditation: Sovereign Selling

Module 6: Sustainable Service, Regenerative Leadership

Topics Covered: how to make your work sustainable in a long-term way. (28 minutes)

Meditation: Alignment Audit

Module 7: Integrated Action

Topics Covered: applying what you’ve learned, intuiting your next right actions.

Bonus: My Business Model

Topics Covered: how I structure my business including my different revenue streams. (29 minutes)

Upcoming Bonuses:

NEW modules and meditations are being added in Spring / Summer 2024 on healing and deepening your relationship with God, the changing seasons and expressions of your mission, discerning where to share your message in the age of social media, navigating when and how to leave misaligned jobs, an updated module on My Business Model, and more.

“What we really want to do is what we are really meant to do. When we do what we are meant to do, money comes to us, doors open for us, we feel useful, and the work we do feels like play to us.” — Julia Cameron

This is for you if…

  • You’ve been applying all kinds of tactical strategies for running a business or advancing in your career, and you’re feeling burnt out

  • You’re at a crossroads or an uplevel: either work is goin’ great but you feel a change coming OR the change has already come, and you need to figure out what’s next

  • You feel torn between choosing a practical, safe approach, and embracing your true dreams.

  • You’re curious about strengthening your connection with God and feeling truly supported

  • You’re craving a deeper feeling of fulfillment and satisfaction in your work. 

  • You want to release financial fear and be truly provided for. 

  • You want to stop compromising your values and your voice, for fear of what others might think.

  • You want to create something beautiful and impactful!

  • You feel an intuitive YES. Something in you knows that there’s some medicine within this program that is exactly what you need right now. 

Join God Is My Boss

When you sign up, you will receive immediate access to all program materials.

Meet your guide:

Hi, I’m Aaron!

I’m a teacher, mentor, writer, and human being committed to doing my part to create a world where we all thrive as our true selves.

My journey to this point has been wild and winding. I’ve had chapters as a youth activist, a community organizer, a permaculture designer, an NYC tour guide, a conflict resolution mediator, and more!

The golden thread of continuity through all these chapters has been my devotion to love and liberation, and my desire to make the world a better place. It was this quest for healing and freedom that led me onto the path of spiritual awakening and divine devotion.

After being raised in a conservative Catholic family and rejecting all connection to God as a young adult, I encountered the work of awakened metaphysicians who helped me understand the difference between the limitation and oppression of religion and the true, eternal, loving reality of God.

My work now blends transformational coaching, subconscious reprogramming, meditation, and prayer to support you in following your own inner authority and co-creating your dreams with God.

It’s an honor to support you on your own unique divine path.

xo Aaron

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • God Is My Boss is for leaders, wayshowers, creators, and heart-centered humans who know they’re here to contribute something unique and impactful to the world.

    People of all walks of life and all stages of their careers have taken this program and benefitted from its guidance: from stay-at-home moms to therapists, from 7-figure CEOs to aspiring entrepreneurs, from established public figures to people finding the courage to share their message for the first time.

    This is NOT for you if need a cookie-cutter business model or tactical career strategy There are plenty of experts to teach you how to build a funnel or write a cover letter. This program is about discerning which of the many possible paths is actually right for you.

  • Nope. I am not religious. A relationship with my infinitely loving Creator is foundational to my life and work, and this program will be a space for you to deepen your trust in God and your experience of God’s love and truth. There are no ideological pre-requisites or expectations. The only emphatic stance I take is that you are infinitely loved and deserve to be free and at peace!. I hold space for you to connect with your inner knowing and let God guide you.

  • The program is hosted on Mighty Networks. You’ll receive your login as soon as you sign up. Each module contains a video, a guided meditation, and written integration exercises.

“The Call is universal. It goes on all the time everywhere…Many hear It, but few will answer.” – A Course in Miracles